Dear Most Esteemed President of these United States of America,
Several really good people who I hold dear still support you & feel that I'm being too rough on you because I judge you by your actions & not just your suave style & oratory. I can't seem to convince them that you are just another authoritarian RepubliCrat Hell-bent on perpetuating the madness of this (what Raplh Nader rightly calls) corporate socialism rigged not only to steal resources from the American people as a whole & redirect them to the well-connected, to undermine the rights of Americans at their directive & to perpetuate campaigns which trade the life & liberty of peoples both here & abroad for their 'profit.'
- Admit your role in the NDAA in terms of its inclusion of American citizens. Admit that you have assassinated American citizens. Divorce the Patriot Act & all Bush Era policies that corrupt the rights to privacy of American citizens. Guarantee all Americans their Constitutional rights. Set up an area in the Oval Office to physically kiss the ass of every American man woman & child & say these words:
“The United States government recognizes you as a human who deserves all of the rights guaranteed by it in the Bill of Rights. I apologize for my previous denial of these rights. I realize the immense danger of my UNFORGIVABLE errors surrounding the NDAA. It would be unwise for anyone with any self-respect to support anyone who has done what I've done. But now I recognize I was wrong & I beg your forgiveness.”
Eliminate the DHS, the TSA, & the DEA. Make the CIA publicly accountable. Reaffirm America's commitment to individual & human rights & bring ALL the troops home to illustrate America's founding principle of the right to self-rule extends to all people of the world for the sake of peace & prosperity. End all foreign aid programs in respect to their sovereignty. Force the United States federal government from this practice of making state's rights moot except in cases determined by the Supreme Court that a specific state action is unConstitutional.
2. Admit your ties to Monsanto. Fire Tom Vilsack as the Agriculture Secretary & replace him with Vandana Shiva. Eliminate all government approvals & promotions of GMO food. Demand all GMO food be labeled. Use your office to investigate & prosecute Monsanto for any & all crimes involving their activities resulting in reckless endangerment (if not destruction) of personal property, the environment, & life. Sign an executive order banning the United States government from promoting or protecting Monsanto products both here & abroad. Sign another executive order forcing all GMO cultivation & research to be done in isolated environments to eliminate the possibility of their corruption of the world's ecosystems. Then ratify a Constitutional Amendment banning patents on life.
3. Harshly reject SOPA, PIPA, ACTA & all of their mutations. Ratify a Constitutional Amendment banning all government regulation of the internet. Have the text of the 1st Amendment tattooed on your forehead.
4. End this war against Wikileaks. Free Bradley Manning & award him the Medal of Honor for his role in the Arab Spring. Grant Julian Assange political asylum in the United States, award him the Medal of Freedom & make him your press secretary.
5. Stop this love affair you have with Wal-Mart & sever all ties the United States government has with it. Prosecute it for its monopolistic practices & demand it to compensate the public for what it has taken from it. Prevent it from future expansion as punishment for its unAmerican business practices.
6. Demand the Federal Reserve open itself to public & private audits.
There is plenty more to be done (or 'undone' in most cases), but for the sake of practicality & fairness I thought I'd stop here. You have less than a year to accomplish these goals & win my vote. Best of luck to you, Mr. President. I do sincerely wish you immense success in these endeavors.
PS. This offer is invalidated by more war.
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